publication alert
30-Jan-2017 09:14
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RPA binds histone H3-H4 and functions in DNA replication–coupled nucleosome assembly
Shaofeng Liu, Zhiyun Xu, He Leng, Pu Zheng, Jiayi Yang, Kaifu Chen, Jianxun Feng, Qing Li
Science Vol 355, Issue 6323 27 January 2017
publication alert
23-Jan-2017 09:17
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H3K9me3 demethylase Kdm4d facilitates the formation of pre-initiative complex and regulates DNA replication
Rentian Wu, Zhiquan Wang, Honglian Zhang, Haiyun Gan, and Zhiguo Zhang
Nucl. Acids Res. 2017 45: 169-180
publication alert
23-Jan-2017 09:16
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SIR2 suppresses replication gaps and genome instability by balancing replication between repetitive and unique sequences
Eric J. Fossa, Uyen Laoa, Emily Dalrymplea, Robin L. Adriansea, Taylor Loea, and Antonio Bedalov
PNAS vol. 114 no. 3, 552–557,
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:23
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Thinking Outside the Cell: Replicating Replication In Vitro
Rhiannon R. Aguilar, Jessica K. Tyler
Molecular cell Volume 65, Issue 1, p5–7, 5 January 2017
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:23
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How the Eukaryotic Replisome Achieves Rapid and Efficient DNA Replication
Joseph T.P. Yeeles, Agnieska Janska, Anne Early, John F.X. Diffley
Mol cell Volume 65, Issue 1, p105–116, 5 January 2017
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:22
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Chromatin Controls DNA Replication Origin Selection, Lagging-Strand Synthesis, and Replication Fork Rates
Christoph F. Kurat, Joseph T.P. Yeeles, Harshil Patel, Anne Early, John F.X. Diffley
Mol cell Volume 65, Issue 1, p117–130, 5 January 2017
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:22
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Chromatin Constrains the Initiation and Elongation of DNA Replication
Sujan Devbhandari, Jieqing Jiang, Charanya Kumar, Iestyn Whitehouse, Dirk Remus
Mol cell Volume 65, Issue 1, p131–141, 5 January 2017
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:21
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Human DNA polymerase α interacts with mismatch repair proteins MSH2 and MSH6
Harri M. Itkonen, Jukka Kantelinen, Markku Vaara, Sinikka Parkkinen, Bernhard Schlott, Frank Grosse, Minna Nyström, Juhani E. Syväoja, Helmut Pospiech
febs letters 590, Pages: 4233–4241
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:21
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TRF2 recruits ORC through TRFH domain dimerization
Mitsunori Higaa, Tatsunori Kushiyamaa, Seiichiro Kurashigea, Daisuke Kohmona, Kouki Enokitania, Satoko Iwahorib, Nozomi Sugimotoa, Kazumasa Yoshidaa, Masatoshi Fujitaa
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research Volume 1864, Issue 1, January 2017, Pages 191–201
publication alert
09-Jan-2017 09:20
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SUV4-20 activity in the preimplantation mouse embryo controls timely replication
André Eid, Diego Rodriguez-Terrones, Adam Burton, and Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla
GENES & DEVELOPMENT 30:2513–2526