Publication Alert
07-Feb-2011 15:21
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MCM3AP Is Transcribed from a Promoter within an Intron of the Overlapping Gene for GANP
Vihandha O. Wickramasinghe, Paul I.A. McMurtrie, Jackie Marr, Yoko Amagase, Sarah Main, Anthony D. Mills, Ronald A. Laskey and Yoshinori Takei
Journal of Molecular Biology Volume 406, Issue 3, 25 February 2011, Pages 355-361
Vihandha O. Wickramasinghe, Paul I.A. McMurtrie, Jackie Marr, Yoko Amagase, Sarah Main, Anthony D. Mills, Ronald A. Laskey and Yoshinori Takei
Journal of Molecular Biology Volume 406, Issue 3, 25 February 2011, Pages 355-361