Publication Alert
20-Feb-2011 12:50
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Interaction between the helicases genetically linked to Fanconi anemia group J and Bloom's syndrome
Avvaru N Suhasini, Nina A Rawtani, Yuliang Wu, Joshua A Sommers, Sudha Sharma, Georgina Mosedale, Phillip S North, Sharon B Cantor, Ian D Hickson and Robert M Brosh Jr
The EMBO Journal (2011), 30, 692 - 705
Avvaru N Suhasini, Nina A Rawtani, Yuliang Wu, Joshua A Sommers, Sudha Sharma, Georgina Mosedale, Phillip S North, Sharon B Cantor, Ian D Hickson and Robert M Brosh Jr
The EMBO Journal (2011), 30, 692 - 705